Sunday, 22 August 2010

100 Club and Bi-Polar Video

Thanks to everyone who turned up for the gig on a very hot and sticky Friday night. We enjoyed playing and we have been asked back soon as well, so if you missed us you can get to see us again. It's a great venue run by really nice people.

Next up for the band is the premier of the Bi-Polar video. We have been working with a very talented gentleman by the name of Will Cotton and he and his team have put together a video for Bi-polar. It's taken a while but like all things So & So, nothing worth doing is done quickly :) We'll post the video up onto You-tube as soon as we get chance to.

One last thing, we are considering videoing the Citadel gig. If we do we'll let you know in advance and we'd LOVE it if you could all make it to this one. Imagine that, after all this time....a Mr. So & So DVD!?!?!?!

Take care
Dave x

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